METL banking API with zk service

METL banking API with zk service

Develop an agnostic banking API using Avalanche subnet and Teleporter for EVM interoperability, utilizing hashing and MPC for secure transaction governance.
Applied on: 17 Jul 2024 08:26 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 18 Jul 2024 12:15 AM
Alignment with Avalanche Teleporter Ecosystem: - Projects must align with the Avalanche Teleporter ecosystem and contribute to its growth and development. - Proposals should focus on one or more of the following themes: a) Existing Bridge Contract Enhancements b) Expanding Application Contracts c) Seamless Multi-Chain User Interfaces
The project aligns with the Avalanche Teleporter ecosystem by using subnets and providing interoperability between EVMs, which contributes to its growth. It focuses on Seamless Multi-Chain User Interfaces.
Contribute to Innovation and Ecosystem Growth: - Projects should showcase innovative ideas, technologies, or approaches that have the potential to impact the Avalanche Teleporter ecosystem. - Proposals should articulate the project's expected outcomes and benefits.
The project introduces a ZK API for security and uses EVM-compatible subnets for native interoperability, showcasing innovative approaches with potential impact.
Funding and Budget: - Proposals should provide a detailed breakdown of the project's budget and funding allocation.
The project mentions having a spreadsheet of costs but does not provide the detailed breakdown of the budget and funding allocation in the application.
Reporting and Communication: - Projects must commit to providing regular progress updates and maintaining open communication with the Avalanche community in the Avalanche Forum.
The project commits to regular community calls and using social media to keep the community updated, ensuring open communication.