Ancient Beast

Ancient Beast

Turn-based strategy game, both online and hot-seat, featuring a variety of units for engaging battles, aiming for accessibility, eSport readiness, and integration with crypto/NFTs.
Applied on: 20 Nov 2023 11:47 PM
Round: starter
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 7 Feb 2024 04:15 PM
Has the project been created by the user/submitted by someone from the team?
The user DreadKnight appears to be the creator of the Ancient Beast project, as evidenced by their user Github profile and activity on the project repository.
Is the user's Github profile over one month old?
The specific age of the user's Github profile is not provided, but given the activity on multiple repositories and the project's history, it's likely that the profile is more than one month old.
Is the project open source?
The project's Github repository is accessible, so it is open source.
Has the project had at least one commit in the past 3 months?
The project 'Ancient Beast' has had 2 commits in the past 3 months, and 'AncientBeast-Website' has also had 2 commits.
Does the project have a clear description and purpose?
The project description for Ancient Beast is clear and outlines the purpose, gameplay, and goals for future development clearly.
Does the project have a unique value proposition or does it offer something that isn't currently present in the Web3 ecosystem?
The description mentions turn-based strategy gameplay with plans to incorporate blockchain technology and NFTs; however, there are several projects with similar propositions in the Web3 ecosystem. The uniqueness of the game's mechanics or blockchain integration compared to existing solutions is not evident.
Has the project shown signs of early growth or community engagement?
Although there is activity on the project's repositories, there's not enough information provided to conclusively determine the level of community engagement or early growth of the project.
Does the project have potential for impact in its targeted domain?
The project targets the gaming and eSports domain with a potential integration of crypto/NFTs, which could have impact considering the public interest in these areas, but the level of impact is uncertain without understanding the community reach or current user base.
Does the team show signs of being capable and having the required skills to execute on their roadmap/goals?
The project shows some signs of progress with recent commits and merged pull requests, but no specific information about the team's skills or overall capability to execute their roadmap is available based on the data provided.
Does the project have a roadmap with attainable milestones?
The provided description mentions highly requested features, which suggests a direction for the project, but a detailed roadmap with specific milestones is not presented.
Does the project contribute to the Digital Public Goods ecosystem?
As an open-source project with potential Web3 features, it could contribute to the digital public goods ecosystem. However, whether its contributions are significant and recognized as such by the wider community is not clear.