OpenZeppelin Contracts

OpenZeppelin Contracts

OpenZeppelin's widely-used smart contract library's 5.0 version features best practices, security simplifications, gas efficiency, access control upgrades, and advanced testing after 38 audit weeks.
Applied on: 21 Nov 2023 02:48 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 04:44 AM
Projects that are in support of, or directly advancing the Ethereum Network’s infrastructure. Primarily focusing on areas such as: Core client teams (e.g. geth, nethermind, prysm, lighthouse), Staking infrastructure and tooling, Client diversity, Core developers (can apply as a team, a specific project, or simply as an individual), Tooling providers (e.g., hardhat / ethers.js), Security researchers, EIPs, censorship resistance, Sharding, rollups. scaling, etc, Account abstraction, zero knowledge technology, statelessness, future proofing, and more
OpenZeppelin Contracts provides essential secure smart contract libraries that underpin many Ethereum-based projects, contributing to infrastructure security and developer tooling, aligning with eligibility criteria.
The project must be open source and in active development
OpenZeppelin Contracts is an open-source project as confirmed by their GitHub repository, and the recent commits and activity show that it is in active development.
The project must be more than 3 months old
OpenZeppelin has been a prominent provider of secure smart contracts since the early days of Solidity dating back to 2016, well over the 3-month threshold.
To be eligible for this grant round, projects must meet the general program policy and the following specific requirements
The submission does not provide enough information to determine whether all the general program policies and specific requirements are met. Additional documentation and context are required.