Cancer screening saves lives

Cancer screening saves lives

Public awareness campaign by the American Cancer Society targeting increased cancer screening, developing guidelines, granting funds to health systems, and advocating for protective legislation to save lives.
Applied on: 27 Nov 2023 04:55 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 05:25 AM
Project clearly aligns with one or more of the overarching goals of supporting Patient Lodging, Health Equity, Cancer Screening and Cancer Research.
The project focuses on cancer screening and public awareness campaigns, which directly align with the Cancer Screening and Health Equity goals of the ACS QF round.
Project has a clear description of its objectives, deliverables, and impact.
The project description clearly outlines the objectives of the public awareness campaign, the deliverable of increasing cancer screening rates, and the impact it has had, such as grant funding provided and the number of screenings completed.
Project demonstrates evidence of past success or proof of concept.
The description provides past success metrics including $1.5 million in grant funding provided, partnerships with health system partners, and a significant number of screenings completed.
Project includes a website or other resources that provide detailed information about its activities.
A project website is provided which likely contains detailed information about the project's activities.
Project has a clearly defined plan for the use of funds.
While the project has outlined its general activities and impact, there is no clear, specific plan for the use of additional funds from the Gitcoin round provided in the description.
Project actively engages with the community and stakeholders.
The project engages with the community through public awareness campaigns and by helping people find screening locations. It also engages with stakeholders like health system partners and state coalitions.
Project has transparent and measurable goals.
The project presents measurable goals, such as the number of screenings completed and the amount of grant funding spent, suggesting transparency.
Project team shows strong leadership and skilled contributors.
No specific information about the project team, their leadership, or skills is provided in the description.
Project provides evidence of non-profit status or social impact focus.
The project is under the auspices of the American Cancer Society, which is a non-profit organization focused on social impact.
Project is actively maintained, with commits to its Github repository within the past 3 months (if applicable).
There is no Project Github or User Github information provided, thus it cannot be assessed for recent activity.