Cancer Crisis Response Fund

Cancer Crisis Response Fund

Support the Cancer Crisis Response Fund to help expand resources, information, and support for cancer patients and healthcare professionals globally, promoting equitable access to care.
Applied on: 28 Nov 2023 03:14 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 05:21 AM
The project should address a specific cancer-related issue or need within one of the supported program areas: Patient Lodging, Health Equity, Cancer Screening, or Cancer Research.
The 'Cancer Crisis Response Fund' aims to aid people with cancer during times of crisis, which aligns with Health Equity and potentially Patient Lodging if it involves providing resources for patients to stay while receiving treatment.
The project must be open to all applicants, irrespective of their background or medical condition.
The project description indicates that it aims to support populations of any background and origin, signifying that it's open to all applicants regardless of their specifics.
Projects must have a clear implementation plan and be ready to proceed if they receive funding.
While the project goals are mentioned, there is no clear implementation plan provided in the description to ascertain readiness to proceed upon funding.
Projects should provide a measurable impact on the cancer community and outline how success will be evaluated.
The project describes an intention to save lives and reduce global threat but does not provide specific metrics on how the impact will be measured or success evaluated.
The project must have a solid team behind it, with a track record of achievement.
Given that the project is under the American Cancer Society, which is renowned for its work in the field of cancer, it is assumed that the team has a solid track record.
The project must offer innovative solutions or research that has the potential to lead to significant advancements in the field of oncology.
The project aims to provide resources, information, and support, which while crucial, doesn't indicate an innovative solution or research leading to significant advancements in oncology.
Projects should be transparent with open lines of communication for donors, who are able to see where their funds are going and the difference it makes.
There is no mention of transparency or communication methods for donors to track their contributions in the project description.
There must be a demonstrable need for the project, with evidence or research to support the application.
The project serves people in crisis due to cancer, which inherently demonstrates a need, and the association with the American Cancer Society lends credibility that there is research to support the application.
Projects should not be for-profit ventures. Preference is given to non-profit or community-driven projects.
The project is under the American Cancer Society, a non-profit organization, hence it meets the criteria of being a non-profit venture.
The project should have a presence on Github with recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months).
The project does not have a Github presence or any recent activity listed as per the information provided.