Free mobile app by the American Cancer Society providing personalized information, one-on-one support, and resources to assist cancer patients and caregivers.
Applied on: 29 Nov 2023 12:04 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 05:24 AM
Project aligns with one or more focus areas: Patient Lodging, Health Equity, Cancer Screening, Cancer Research
The project description indicates that ACS CARES™ promotes health equity by reducing disparities and making resources and care more accessible to historically underserved communities.
Project has a clearly defined problem statement and target population
The project addresses the problem of navigating cancer treatment and resources, specifically targeting individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers.
Project has a clear measure for success and impact
The project description outlines the services provided but does not detail specific success metrics or impact measures.
Project has a clear execution plan and is feasible
The description of the patient navigation support program suggests a clear execution plan providing a mobile app and one-on-one support which is feasible given the American Cancer Society's existing infrastructure and resources.
Project has sustainability or plans for long-term success
There is no explicit mention of long-term sustainability plans or how the project intends to maintain operations beyond initial funding.
Project lead has relevant experience or backgrounds
The project description mentions Dr. Arif Kamal as Chief Patient Officer at ACS, which suggests experience, but does not provide detailed information regarding the experience or background of the broader team.
Project includes a clear budget outline or plan for fund utilization
No budget outline or plan for fund utilization is provided in the project's description.
Project incorporates a mechanism to collect feedback and incorporate community insight
The program connects users with trained ACS volunteers for one-on-one support, suggesting a mechanism for feedback and incorporating community insights.
Project intends to use Gitcoin funding to develop open-source software, tools, or technologies
While the project involves a mobile app, it is not clear from the description if the app, software, or technologies will be open source or if Gitcoin funding will be specifically used for their development.
Project addresses key priorities of the American Cancer Society
The project's focus on health equity, providing resources for cancer patients and caregivers aligns with key priorities of the American Cancer Society.