ACS Cares™

ACS Cares™

Free mobile app offering personalized information, one-on-one volunteer support, and 24/7 assistance for cancer patients and caregivers to navigate healthcare and resources.
Applied on: 27 Nov 2023 04:56 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 05:25 AM
Project focuses on at least one of the following areas: Patient Lodging, Health Equity, Cancer Screening, Cancer Research
The project description indicates that ACS Cares™ focuses on Health Equity by providing resources to help historically underserved communities and populations.
Project is consistent with the American Cancer Society’s mission and values
ACS Cares™ aligns with the American Cancer Society's mission by offering navigation support and resources to people with cancer and their caregivers which is clearly part of patient support and care.
Project has a clear strategy to achieve its objectives
The project description outlines a clear strategy, which includes a patient navigation support program, providing personalized information, one-on-one support, and 24/7 access to cancer information specialists.
Project has indicators of likely sustainability and longevity
The project description does not provide specific information regarding its financial sustainability, governance, or long-term planning.
Project has an active social media presence or marketing strategy
No active social media (such as Twitter) or specific marketing strategy is mentioned in the project description.
Project has demonstrated community support
There is no evidence provided within the description that explicitly demonstrates community support or engagement levels.
Project is open-source with a clear license if applicable
There is no mention of the project being open-source or having a clear license in the project description.
Project has readily accessible documentation
The project provides a detailed description and explanation of ACS Cares™ services, which suggests that there is readily accessible documentation available.
Project has a functional website
A project website URL is provided and presumably functional.
Project has a clear and feasible plan to use funding effectively
The project description does not include information on funding use, budgeting or specific costs associated with the project's goals.