American Cancer Society Patient Lodging Programs

American Cancer Society Patient Lodging Programs

Free lodging at 30+ locations for cancer patients and caregivers during treatment far from home, serving over 29,000 guests yearly, saving them $55+ million.
Applied on: 28 Nov 2023 11:41 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 05:22 AM
Projects must relate to one or more of the following areas: Patient Lodging, Health Equity, Cancer Screening, and Cancer Research
The project specifically focuses on Patient Lodging, which aligns directly with one of the areas specified for the round.
Projects should have a demonstrable record of impact
The project serves over 29,000 patients and caregivers each year and saves them more than $55 million in lodging costs, evidencing a significant impact.
Projects should aim to address health disparities and demonstrate how they will achieve this
By offering free lodging to patients and caregivers when treatment is far away, the project addresses disparities related to travel and accommodation costs during treatment.
Projects must be non-profit in nature
The American Cancer Society is a non-profit organization, and the Hope Lodge program is a non-profit service it provides.
Projects should offer innovative solutions or approaches to tackling problems within the specified areas
The Hope Lodge program offers an innovative solution to the financial and emotional burdens faced by patients who must travel for cancer treatment.
Projects must demonstrate community support and engagement
The project's impact on saving costs for patients and caregivers indicates community engagement and support through utilization of services.
Projects must be sustainable or have a plan for sustainability
There is limited information provided regarding sustainability plans, although existing impact may imply some level of sustainability.
Projects must have transparent finances
Information on transparent finances is not provided in the provided description.
Projects should have a clear and specific outcome or outcomes that can be measured
The project has clear and measurable outcomes, such as the number of patients served and the amount of money saved in lodging costs.
Projects must have a Github repository if applicable
The project does not appear to have a Github repository, which may not be applicable for this type of non-technical project.
Projects must have recent activity on Github to show ongoing work and progress if applicable
The project does not have a Github repository, hence recent activity on Github cannot be assessed.