Decentralized Cleanup

Decentralized Cleanup

Blockchain-backed initiative rewarding participants for local environmental cleanups, aims for global reach, uses NFTs for verifiable achievements, and seeks funding for platform development and pilot program success.
Applied on: 28 Mar 2024 10:02 AM
Round: Test AND 3
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 29 Mar 2024 12:10 AM
Does the project have a name?
The project is named 'Decentralized Cleanup'.
Does the project have a clear description?
The project description is clear and provides information about objectives, the demo phase, and the future ALPHA phase.
Does the project have a website?
The project does not have a dedicated website; instead, it has a social media presence on Twitter.
Does the project have a demo or prototype?
The project has initiated a DEMO phase which involves participation in cleanup activities and documentation as a preparation for the blockchain-based reward system.
Does the project encourage blockchain adoption and usage?
The project aims to leverage blockchain technology for environmental cleanup efforts and rewards through NFT certificates and an upcoming dynamic NFT reward system.
Does the project have a plan for sustainability (fiscal or strategic)?
The project seeks funding for the further development of the DApp, community engagement, and the pilot program which indicates a plan for sustainability.
Does the project have a Github repository with more than 5 commits?
There is no mention of a Github repository for the project, making it impossible to assess the criteria related to Github activity.
Does the project have recent Github activity with more than 5 commits in the past 3 months?
Due to the absence of a Github repository, it's uncertain if there's recent activity or any commits.
Does the project have an active community presence (Telegram, Discord)?
The project has created a Telegram group for working with the audience and as a support channel.
Is the project's main goal related to social impact?
The primary goal is to encourage environmental cleanup efforts worldwide, which is a social impact initiative.
Does the project align with the themes specified for the Test AND 3 round?
The project aligns with social impact and environmental themes but without knowing the specific themes of the Test AND 3 round, the alignment can't be confirmed.