Jax Based 🔵 Project

Jax Based 🔵 Project

Researching the causes of discomfort and errors, this project focuses on developing solutions to mitigate these issues and improve overall satisfaction and functionality.
Applied on: 21 Mar 2024 06:14 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 8 Apr 2024 12:10 AM
Project has a live website with information about goals, progress, and team.
There is no project website provided in the details.
Project is open-source with an active GitHub repository.
No active GitHub repository or GitHub presence is provided.
Project has clear and achievable goals.
Insufficient information on project goals is provided.
Project contributes to the Avalanche ecosystem.
Project description is not provided, unable to determine its relevance to the Avalanche ecosystem.
The project team is competent and has a track record of execution.
While a team size is mentioned, no information about the team's track record or competencies is provided.
The project has a sustainable funding model.
Funding source as 'buried treasure' is ambiguous and does not clarify sustainability.
Project demonstrates community support and utility.
No community support or utility can be deduced from the lack of a project Twitter, Github, or website.
Project has not been flagged for fraud or malpractice.
Insufficient information is available to determine if the project has been flagged for fraud or malpractice.