Pairwise: Simplifying Choices, Amplifying Voices

Pairwise: Simplifying Choices, Amplifying Voices

Open-source, off-chain voting dapp using an Elo-style system for simple, enjoyable community decision-making and project ranking with planned voter rewards and semi-anonymous options.
Applied on: 25 Jul 2024 04:27 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 25 Jul 2024 05:00 AM
Advance Token Engineering: Projects must advance token engineering within one of the following categories: tooling, research, education, social infrastructure, consulting.
Pairwise advances token engineering within the category of tooling by providing an open-source, off-chain voting dapp designed to streamline community signaling and enhance decentralized decision-making processes.
Contribute to the Superchain: Projects must contribute to the growth and development of Optimism or the broader Superchain ecosystem. Applications must include the following elements: - Description of the long-term vision for impact - Specification of short-term goals and milestones within the scope of the grant - Agreement to participate in TEC's impact evaluation process leading to the Retroactive funding round in November
The project describes its long-term vision for impact in enabling digital democracy using their voting mechanism and highlights their key goals for the next 3-6 months within the Optimism ecosystem. They also agreed to participate in TEC's impact evaluation process.
Project Credibility: - Summary of project’s existing work with relevant links - Verified Github and/or Twitter account - Brief bios of the project’s team members
The project provided a summary of their existing work with relevant links, verified Github, and Twitter accounts, and included brief bios of their team members, detailing their competencies and past contributions to relevant fields.
Returning Grantees: - Updates on the work accomplished since their last grant - Self-assessment of the effectiveness of their use of that funding
The project did not provide any updates on the work accomplished since their last grant or a self-assessment of the effectiveness of their use of previous funding within the provided details.