Astrochain Science Communication Subsystem
Applied on: 19 Jul 2024 06:10 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 19 Jul 2024 07:00 PM
Is the project new and ambitious?
The provided application and project details are too sparse to determine if it is new and ambitious.
Is the project focused on decentralized science?
The project name suggests it may be related to science communication within the Astrochain ecosystem, but the lack of a detailed description makes it unclear.
Does the project have a clear and realistic use case?
Without a project description or additional details, it's impossible to judge the use case.
Is the team size reasonable for the project's proposed scope?
Team size is 1, which might be reasonable for a small-scale project, but without knowing the project's scope this cannot be confirmed.
Has the project been transparent about its funding sources?
The application states Gitcoin as the source of funding.
Does the project have a public repository with recent activity?
There is no project Github provided.
Is the project active on social media or other communication channels?
The project Twitter and other communication channels are not provided.