Eisodos Multimodal

Eisodos Multimodal

We build crypto-native communities, transforming visionary ideas into books, experiences, and real-world solutions using Web3 tools like NFTs and tokens.
Applied on: 5 Aug 2024 12:13 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 5 Aug 2024 01:01 PM
Advance Token Engineering: Projects must advance token engineering within one of the following categories: tooling, research, education, social infrastructure, consulting.
The project focuses on education related to Token Engineering, providing workshops, seminars, and content aimed at enhancing understanding of token engineering principles, especially targeting the Superchain ecosystem.
Contribute to the Superchain: Projects must contribute to the growth and development of Optimism or the broader Superchain ecosystem. Applications must include the following elements: - Description of the long-term vision for impact - Specification of short-term goals and milestones within the scope of the grant - Agreement to participate in TEC's impact evaluation process leading to the Retroactive funding round in November
The project provides a detailed vision for impact on the Superchain ecosystem through education. It outlines specific short-term goals and milestones, such as attending various pop-up cities and holding Token Engineering workshops. The project also agrees to participate in TEC's impact evaluation process.
Project Credibility: - Summary of project’s existing work with relevant links - Verified Github and/or Twitter account - Brief bios of the project’s team members
The project summary includes relevant work, particularly in EU policy and Token Engineering sessions at various events. It provides a verified Twitter account and a brief bio of the project lead, Xenofon Kontouris, outlining his experience. However, it lacks a Github account.
Returning Grantees: - Updates on the work accomplished since their last grant - Self-assessment of the effectiveness of their use of that funding
The project has not received prior funding from the Token Engineering Grants Program, thus no updates or self-assessment are applicable.