Send vulnerable children to school

Send vulnerable children to school

Providing free quality education to vulnerable Nigerian children to break the cycle of poverty, including cryptocurrency education, and fostering long-term sustainable development.
Applied on: 12 Mar 2024 02:23 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 18 Mar 2024 06:31 PM
Be an active GreenPill Chapter or Guild
There is no information provided indicating that the project 'Send vulnerable children to school' operates as or is part of an active GreenPill Chapter or Guild.
Be a project with at least 1 team member who is also an active member in a GreenPill chapter or Guild
The provided information does not specify whether any team member belongs to a GreenPill chapter or Guild, and as such, it is not possible to determine their eligibility based on this criterion.
Projects working with or partnering with GreenPill Chapters, Guilds or The GreenPill Network as a whole
There is no mention of any work or partnership with GreenPill Chapters, Guilds, or The GreenPill Network in the project description provided, suggesting that they do not meet this criterion.
Applicants and team must sign up for Octant’s Newsletter -
The necessary information to confirm whether the applicants and team have signed up for Octant's Newsletter is not provided, thus the eligibility based on this requirement cannot be determined.
Applicants and team must follow Octant (@OctantApp) and GreenPill (@greenpillnet) on twitter
The project Twitter is provided, and it can be checked if they follow Octant and GreenPill; however, the assessment of the follows being done cannot be verified by the AI as it would require real-time access to Twitter following lists.