Learn for Impact™ by KFMEDIA℠

Learn for Impact™ by KFMEDIA℠

**Building on our Learn 2 Earn program, we tokenize learner journeys, enhancing self-worth through positive neurotransmitter responses, expanding our blockchain footprint, and focusing on impactful token distribution by 2025.**
Applied on: 6 Aug 2024 01:17 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 6 Aug 2024 02:01 AM
CollabTech project - organisations on-chain, evolution of B2B SaaS, network states tooling & DAO tooling, and future of work; projects advancing reputation, governance & decision making, operations (accounting, sales automation, inventory management, talent, etc), community, and contributor tooling!
The project is an on-chain organization, advances B2B SaaS through educational content licensing, and focuses on community building and reputation systems using EAS.
Commercial viability or perennial Public Goods: projects addressing a clear need for a specific target user and with the ability to continue to deliver value over time (financial sustainability through business model and/or immutability)
The project addresses a need for adult learners and aims to be financially sustainable through asymmetrical treasury of impact tokens and licensing educational content.
Maximum project development duration of 12 weeks (i.e. value delivered within 12 weeks)
The project promises to deliver value within a full quarter cycle, which aligns with the 12-week maximum duration criterion.
Threshold: Projects must declare a “threshold” (minimum amount of funds needed to complete the project/feature/prototype and deliver value). Thoroughness in defining their threshold and feasibility (threshold within the range of match-funding available) will be key for approval into the round. Projects not able to attain the threshold (with combined donations + match funding), will not receive match funding but can still keep donations.
The project did not specify a clear threshold amount. While they mentioned a desire for a 25% increase from GG20 (equating to ~$1000 USD), the lack of detailed threshold information impacts thoroughness and feasibility.
General Criteria: Incomplete, poorly structured, unfeasible, or otherwise poorly conceived applications will be rejected.
While the application is fairly structured, the lack of activity on the Github repository and absence of threshold details make it incomplete.