Grendel - Cartographer Syndicate
Applied on: 4 Jul 2024 12:37 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 5 Jul 2024 12:16 AM
Demonstrated experience or strong interest in Web3 and grant ecosystems
The applicant has significant experience with Web3 and grant ecosystems, having worked with BanklessDAO, Polygon, and various other DAOs and projects involving grant optimization.
Ability to research, verify, and document information accurately
The applicant outlined a comprehensive approach to researching and verifying information, including identifying reliable sources, cross-verification, critical analysis, documentation, team validation, and continuous updates.
Willingness to use designated time-tracking tools and submit regular reports
The applicant has experience using time entry systems to track and report their time, as confirmed in their application.
Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a distributed team
The applicant has extensive experience working in distributed teams, having collaborated on numerous projects with BanklessDAO, PolygonDAO, and others.