Burra v2

Burra v2

Upgrading "Burra Vault" to "Burra v2," a project enhancing a GHO minting strategy by adjusting collateral ratios to stabilize GHO's dollar peg. Seeking funding for development and user acquisition.
Applied on: 2 May 2024 09:00 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 2 May 2024 11:02 AM
Projects must focus on contributing to the growth, development, and enhancement of the Aave and GHO Ecosystems. Proposals should outline how the project will create value for the Aave community and platform users.
Burra v2 aims to introduce a GHO minting strategy that contributes to the stability of the GHO stablecoin, which is directly related to the Aave ecosystem. This project would potentially enhance the utility and adoption of GHO.
The Aave & GHO Ecosystem Advancement QF Round is open to all past AGD recipients with active or new project proposals. The round will prioritize funding for past grantees with active open-source projects or those proposing new open-source work, contributors who have done open-source work benefiting Aave but have yet to receive a grant, and those seeking funding for future open-source work with marginal but meaningful progress.
While the project has won the LFGHO hackathon, it appears that it is still in the development phase and is seeking its first grant, fitting within the prioritization for projects benefiting Aave but that have not yet received a grant.
Projects participating in the Aave & GHO Ecosystem Advancement QF Round must adhere to open-source principles and maintain transparency in their development process and code repositories. Proposals should include links to relevant GitHub repositories or other open-source documentation to demonstrate their commitment to transparency.
The project's application includes links to an open GitHub repository that should presumably hold the project’s source code and maintain transparency in their development process.
Projects should demonstrate a commitment to engaging with the Aave and broader Web3 community, outlining plans for community outreach, social media presence, and initiatives to drive user adoption and participation.
The project details mention mediatic coverage and a Twitter presence, but do not outline specific plans for community outreach or initiatives to drive user adoption beyond the current platform.
Projects must present a clear and feasible technical roadmap detailing milestones and deliverables, showcasing the team's expertise and ability to execute the project successfully within the proposed timeline.
The proposal includes deliverables such as a set of smart contracts, a web app, and documentation with a timeline of 3 months, demonstrating a clear roadmap.
Proposals should articulate how they would use the funds to maximize the project's impact within the Aave ecosystem.
Funds are stated to be used to sustain the independent developer’s work on the project, which is directly aimed at contributing to the GHO ecosystem, indirectly supporting Aave’s growth.
No Hateful Content, Deceiving Users, Falsification, Fraud & Impersonation, Quid Pro Quo & Bribery, Advertising Restrictions, Funding Caps, and Legal Compliance as outlined in the eligibility criteria.
There is no indication of the project involving any hateful content, deception, fraud, or other prohibited behavior, and the applicant has confirmed adherence to the Program General Eligibility Policy.