Network-Based Pluralistic Communities - Exploring Sustainable Governance Models

Network-Based Pluralistic Communities - Exploring Sustainable Governance Models

Assessing and developing adaptable governance models for pluralistic, network-based communities, focusing on participatory decision-making and cultural inclusivity.
Applied on: 15 Nov 2023 10:03 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 06:43 AM
You are a researcher. To qualify for this round you need to have a track record of research. This can be as part of an academic affiliation or as an independent researcher. If you are applying for a grant for your first research project, email with more info on why you are the right person to conduct this research.
The project is being conducted by Sejal Rekhan and Lana Dingwall who are stated to be part of The GreenPill Network, have participated in web3 governance and community-focused groups such as SeedClub, indicating a track record in research and relevant fields.
Governance focus for the research. We will only accept grants that have a clear focus on governance. As noted in the description, you don’t necessarily need to focus exclusively on DAO or web3 governance, but your research needs to be applicable to decentralized governance broadly. A focus on Arbitrum or Uniswap is appreciated but not required.
The research proposal is clearly focused on exploring and establishing governance models for network-based pluralistic communities, which directly pertains to decentralized governance systems.
No for-profit funding. If you have received VC funding or any other kind of funding that requires a return on investment, then it will not qualify. It is ok if you’ve received other grants.
There is no information provided regarding prior funding for the project, so it is unclear whether VC funding or funding requiring ROI has been received.
No retrospective funding. The research must either be launched soon or currently ongoing. Completed projects are not eligible for funding in this round.
The project appears to be in a stage where it is in the process of being conducted with plans for data collection, interviews, and case studies, indicating that it is either about to be launched or currently ongoing.