

Web3 platform enabling collaborative creation and trading of deflationary pixel art NFTs using PLACE tokens and offering rewards and staking APY boosts through unique gamemodes and DAO governance.
Applied on: 16 Nov 2023 08:23 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 06:45 AM
You are a researcher. To qualify for this round you need to have a track record of research. This can be as part of an academic affiliation or as an independent researcher. If you are applying for a grant for your first research project, email with more info on why you are the right person to conduct this research.
The Decentraplace project description does not provide any information indicating that the individual or team behind it has a track record of research. There is no mention of academic affiliation or previous research projects that would qualify them under this criterion.
Governance focus for the research. We will only accept grants that have a clear focus on governance. As noted in the description, you don’t necessarily need to focus exclusively on DAO or web3 governance, but your research needs to be applicable to decentralized governance broadly. A focus on Arbitrum or Uniswap is appreciated but not required.
The focus of Decentraplace appears to be on developing a web3 platform for collaborative pixel art and does not seem to include a clear research component focused on governance. While it mentions a DAO launch, there is no indication that the project will conduct governance research.
No for-profit funding. If you have received VC funding or any other kind of funding that requires a return on investment, then it will not qualify. It is ok if you’ve received other grants.
The description provided does not include information about previous funding. It is unclear whether Decentraplace has received VC funding or other for-profit investments. Additional information would be required for a conclusive assessment.
No retrospective funding. The research must either be launched soon or currently ongoing. Completed projects are not eligible for funding in this round.
The description of Decentraplace outlines a project focused on development rather than research; it does not provide evidence of a research project that is about to launch or that is currently in progress. Therefore, it does not meet the criteria for non-retrospective funding in the context of research.