Modpol: Turn social platforms into governable spaces

Modpol: Turn social platforms into governable spaces

Development of a toolkit named Modpol for incorporating user-created governance in multiplayer games, specifically starting with Minetest, aiming to democratize online communities and empower diverse, modular political practices. Total budget: $17,500.
Applied on: 16 Nov 2023 12:29 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 06:43 AM
You are a researcher. To qualify for this round you need to have a track record of research. This can be as part of an academic affiliation or as an independent researcher. If you are applying for a grant for your first research project, email with more info on why you are the right person to conduct this research.
The provided information does not offer insight into the research background of the project leads or participants. Additional information about their academic affiliation, previous research, or independent research work would be required to evaluate this point fully.
Governance focus for the research. We will only accept grants that have a clear focus on governance. As noted in the description, you don’t necessarily need to focus exclusively on DAO or web3 governance, but your research needs to be applicable to decentralized governance broadly. A focus on Arbitrum or Uniswap is appreciated but not required.
Modpol's approach to allowing users to create governance processes in an online gaming platform is directly associated with decentralized governance. The project aims to explore and foster democratic practices in digital spaces, thus aligning well with the research focus on governance.
No for-profit funding. If you have received VC funding or any other kind of funding that requires a return on investment, then it will not qualify. It is ok if you’ve received other grants.
The project description does not specify the sources of current or past funding. To ensure compliance, further clarification is needed to confirm the absence of for-profit funding that requires a return on investment.
No retrospective funding. The research must either be launched soon or currently ongoing. Completed projects are not eligible for funding in this round.
The project is currently in a phase where it is developing from a prototype into software ready for large-scale use, indicating that it is an ongoing project. The proposal includes plans for future development and ethnographic research, which meet the criteria for being launched soon.