Riya Thawani DevConnect Volunteer

Riya Thawani DevConnect Volunteer

Riya Thawani seeks a grant to continue volunteering at global conferences to learn and support Web3 adoption through her content marketing agency.
Applied on: 19 Nov 2023 12:19 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 07:24 PM
Must be accepted by Devconnect and/ or ETHGlobal as a volunteer
The project description indicates that Riya Thawani has volunteered at a global-level conference, suggesting she was accepted by Devconnect or ETHGlobal as a volunteer.
Must attend and accomplish the task assigned by the Devconnect and/ or ETHGlobal Team
The project description states that Riya Thawani is applying for the grant after completing all her shifts, which implies she attended and accomplished her assigned tasks.