Emre // Devconnect @ Farconnect

Emre // Devconnect @ Farconnect

Organizing Farconnect, a social event for developers and enthusiasts to build relationships; seeking $1 donations for expenses.
Applied on: 14 Nov 2023 10:47 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 07:21 PM
Must be accepted by Devconnect and/ or ETHGlobal as a volunteer
The project description indicates that the individual is volunteering at Devconnect, but there is no provided evidence to confirm the acceptance by Devconnect or ETHGlobal.
Must attend and accomplish the task assigned by the Devconnect and/ or ETHGlobal Team
There is no information available regarding attendance or the accomplishment of tasks assigned by the Devconnect or ETHGlobal team.