Impact Onchain Rank

Impact Onchain Rank

IOR is a blockchain-based metric system that rewards contributions to impactful causes with Impact NFTs, providing recognition, incentives, and fostering a culture of positive influence.
Applied on: 30 Mar 2024 03:34 PM
Round: Test AND 3
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 31 Mar 2024 12:08 AM
The full specific eligibility requirement that this score relates to. It needs to be an exact match to the eligibility requirement as its used for string matching.
Provided information fits within the scope of the evaluation criteria.
Project name matches with the provided description and value proposition.
Project name 'Impact Onchain Rank' is congruent with the provided description and value propositions related to ranking contributions to impactful causes.
Project has a functioning website with accessible content.
The project has a functioning landing page reachable at the provided URL which outlines the project details and value proposition.
Project's offered value aligns with the Test AND 3's goals.
The project's aim to reward contributions to sustainable and impactful causes aligns with the Gitcoin's mission to fund digital public goods and empowering communities.
There are user stories or testimonials that highlight the project's impact.
User stories are provided that showcase how individuals benefit from engaging with the project and how it aids in their contribution to environmental causes.
How It Works section clearly explains the project mechanism.
The 'How It Works' section sufficiently outlines the process of earning Impact Value by buying INFTs and increasing IOR.
There are clear future directions or roadmap for the project.
Future directions including integration with Gitcoin Passport, expanded system, and community initiatives have been listed, indicating a roadmap for the project.
Project's GitHub page holds recent activity and updates.
Github page URL is listed, but no information on recent activity or the number of commits is provided for evaluation.
The project should have a minimum of 5 commits in the past 3 months.
No data provided on the number or nature of commits in the past 3 months to make an assessment.
Project should have an active Twitter or community presence.
An active Twitter handle is provided, suggesting an active community presence.
User Github profiles should have a history of relevant project contributions or activity.
No User Github profiles are provided to assess the history of contributions or activity in the context of the project.