ZNS Connect

ZNS Connect

ZNS Connect replaces complex blockchain addresses with user-friendly names, offering secure, transparent domain registration and management on multiple blockchains.
Applied on: 16 Sep 2023 08:05 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 06:22 AM
Projects in this domain should introduce novel blockchain protocols, consensus mechanisms, or architectural enhancements. Clear documentation outlining the proposed protocol's technical details and potential benefits is required.
ZNS Connect appears to be a decentralized naming service rather than a new blockchain protocol, consensus mechanism, or architectural enhancement. While the project brings innovation in terms of user experience via simpler and more memorable domain names for the blockchain, it does not seem to propose a novel protocol in the strict sense required by this criterion. The documentation provided outlines the use and functionality of the service rather than technical protocol details.
Demonstrating the feasibility and potential impact of the new protocol through simulations or prototypes is preferred. The project should address potential challenges, risks, and mitigation strategies.
The project has launched on the Polygon Mainnet and provides a working application that demonstrates its feasibility. ZNS Connect has established a user base and has shown the practical usage of its service. However, the provided information does not clearly detail the challenges, risks, and mitigation strategies related to the protocol itself.
Projects should introduce a technically innovative solution that addresses existing limitations or challenges in the blockchain space. Protocols that ensure a high degree of decentralization and propose mechanisms for effective on-chain governance are highly encouraged
While ZNS Connect does offer a solution that addresses the usability challenge in the blockchain space by replacing complex addresses with user-friendly names, it is unclear how much technical innovation is involved compared to other existing blockchain name services. Also, there is no explicit mention of on-chain governance mechanisms within the provided documentation.
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The provided information does not indicate whether the ZNS Connect team has joined the specified Telegram group. Participation in such a group would typically be verified by the round organizers rather than deducible from a project description.