Buy and preserve land on Koh Phangan to protect its natural habitats from tourism-driven destruction by building a community and launching a non-profit with NFT funding.
Applied on: 29 Mar 2024 08:41 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 29 Mar 2024 09:00 AM
Project must align with the mission of creating a showcase for public good projects.
NINJA Care's initiative to preserve nature aligns with the public good aspect by aiming to protect the environment and prevent the commercial exploitation of Koh Phangan.
Project must aim to foster coordination within the community.
The roadmap includes growing a community and launching a non-profit organization, indicating an effort to foster coordination among stakeholders.
Project must strive to bring funding and support to increase impact on the public good.
NINJA Care is planning to launch an NFT collection to fund the collective purchase of land, which directly seeks funding to increase its impact on environmental conservation.
The project must have a clear experimental approach toward public good funding.
NINJA Care's approach to funding land purchases through a community-driven NFT collection is an experimental method of public good funding.
The project must utilize hyperstructure or related technology.
There is no evidence provided that NINJA Care utilizes hyperstructure or related technology within its conservation efforts.
The project should show compatibility with Gitcoin infrastructure.
There's insufficient information to determine whether NINJA Care is designed to be compatible with Gitcoin's infrastructure specifically.
Project must provide a link to a valid website or page with information.
A link to the project's Twitter page is provided, which offers information about the project's mission and objectives.
Project must state a clear problem and solution.
The project's description clearly states the problem of environmental degradation on Koh Phangan and their solution of buying land to preserve nature.
Project must have an actionable roadmap.
NINJA Care has provided a clear step-by-step roadmap, from growing their community to launching a non-profit organization and an NFT collection.
The project must have a Github repository if applicable.
There is no Github link provided, and it's unclear whether a Github repository is applicable for this project.
The project must demonstrate recent activity on Github if applicable.
Because there's no Github repository provided or known, there's no basis to assess recent activity.