Astrochain - Decentralized Science

Astrochain - Decentralized Science

Astrochain offers a decentralized app bridging astronomy and blockchain, allowing users to capture celestial data, mint NFTs, engage in an online community, and access educational content.
Applied on: 2 Apr 2024 07:55 PM
Round: Test AND 3
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 3 Apr 2024 12:09 AM
Project name
The project name is not provided.
Project website
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Project description
The project description is not provided.
Project Twitter
The absence of a Project Twitter URL does not automatically disqualify a project, but the lack of social media presence could affect outreach and community involvement.
Project Github
The Project Github URL is not provided.
User Github
The User Github URL is not provided.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months)
Since the Project Github URL is not provided, the activity cannot be assessed.