

Web3 email service using wallet/ENS addresses for signing and encryption, compatible with conventional email, free to use, open-source, with ongoing UX improvements.
Applied on: 22 Apr 2023 07:58 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 13 Feb 2024 06:05 PM
Be an Open Source project with active github
The project has an active GitHub repository with recent commits, indicating ongoing development and open source availability.
Mainly focus on Ethereum and/or broad web3 industry
MetaMail offers services around the Ethereum ecosystem by using wallet/ENS for email addresses, aligning with the web3 industry focus.
Satisfy the General Program Eligibility and the requirements above.
While the project meets the stated specific eligibility requirements, the evaluation lacks information on the general program eligibility criteria, such as community guidelines, legal compliance, etc., to make a definitive assessment.