AA Chinese Community

AA Chinese Community

Creating educational materials and a sample dApp to demonstrate account abstraction on Ethereum, aiming to enhance developer understanding and user experience in decentralized applications.
Applied on: 24 Apr 2023 07:51 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 13 Feb 2024 06:10 PM
Be an Open Source project with active github
The project has multiple repos under its GitHub organization with recent activity and commits, indicating it is open source and actively maintained.
Mainly focus on Ethereum and/or broad web3 industry
The project is dedicated to advancing the Ethereum network through educational resources and sample projects about account abstraction, which is a feature of Ethereum.
Satisfy the General Program Eligibility and the requirements above.
The project meets the specific eligibility criteria by being an open source project on Github, focusing on the Ethereum ecosystem, and aligning with the goals of the Global Chinese Community beta round.