Metaverse Careers

Metaverse Careers

A job listing website for the Metaverse and web3 ecosystem, offering free listings for public good and non-profit projects.
Applied on: 16 Jul 2024 10:08 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 16 Jul 2024 11:01 PM
Open Source Development: Projects must be open source and contribute to the development of interoperable and decentralized applications or experiences for the Metaverse.
The project does not appear to have available source code on any open-source platform such as GitHub. Without source code access, it cannot be verified whether the project contributes to the development of interoperable and decentralized applications.
Public Good Orientation: Initiatives should demonstrate a clear focus on promoting public good, ensuring accessibility, inclusivity, and innovation within the Metaverse ecosystem.
The project allows public good and non-profit projects to create job listings for free, promoting inclusivity and accessibility. It focuses on easing the job search and recruitment process within the web3 and Metaverse ecosystems.
Adherence to Open Standards: Projects must adhere to established open standards and best practices, fostering a collaborative and unified approach to building the decentralized Metaverse.
There is no information provided about the project adhering to established open standards or best practices. Without further details on technical implementation, interoperability, and standards compliance, this cannot be ascertained.