UCF Finance

UCF Finance

A blockchain project offering a DEX, DeFi services, and an NFT marketplace, governed by community voting, with the involvement of students, alumni, and professionals in finance.
Applied on: 10 Feb 2024 02:07 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 10 Feb 2024 03:00 AM
Project website availability
The project has provided a functional website URL: https://ucffinance.xyz
Clarity of project description
The description provided is unclear, conflates several ideas, and seems unstructured.
Presence of a Twitter handle
The project has a Twitter profile: https://twitter.com/finance_ucf
Github activity in the past 3 months
There are no commits, pull requests, or issues in the past 3 months on https://github.com/Shvovik
Evidence of a blockchain component (DEX, DeFi, NFT, etc.)
The project description mentions DeFi, NFT but does not provide evidence or sufficient details about its blockchain components or any smart contract addresses.
Evidence of community decision-making
Although the description mentions actions made by community voting, no evidence or method of how the voting takes place is provided.
Overall project transparency and openness
Lack of clear information and active Github repository makes it difficult to assess the project's transparency and openness.