Jax Based 🔵 Project

Jax Based 🔵 Project

Researching the causes of discomfort and errors, this project focuses on developing solutions to mitigate these issues and improve overall satisfaction and functionality.
Applied on: 21 Mar 2024 06:12 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 23 Mar 2024 12:11 AM
In the context of public goods, the project has a clear mission and purpose that provides a net positive benefit.
The project description is unclear and does not specify a mission or purpose.
The project is open source with a clear licensing agreement.
There is no mention of an open-source license or repository on the project website or Github.
The project must have some code - it cannot merely be an idea.
Project Github is not provided, and only a User Github link is present with no clear indication of related project code.
The project should demonstrate some evidence of progress with milestones met.
There is no information available regarding milestones or progress for the Jax Based 🔵 Project.
The project should have community engagement or show how it will develop community.
The project has a Twitter profile which could imply community engagement, but no specific details are provided.
The project must provide transparency about how funds will be used.
The description does not detail how funds will be used, and there is no additional financial information provided.
The project developers must show commitment to the project, through a history of contributions (e.g., Github commits).
The linked User Github shows 30 commits in the last 3 months, suggesting an active commitment.
The user profile must be at least 6 months old.
It is not possible to verify the age of the user profile based on the information provided.