PLUME: Pseudonymously Linked Unique Message Entities, aka Verifiably Deterministic Signatures on Ethereum

PLUME: Pseudonymously Linked Unique Message Entities, aka Verifiably Deterministic Signatures on Ethereum

Developing Ethereum-based anonymous identities using deterministic signatures for dapps and web3 social apps, incorporating into wallets, and improving zero-knowledge cryptography with ongoing research, integration efforts, and grants.
Applied on: 21 Apr 2023 09:36 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 13 Feb 2024 02:38 PM
The Grant must be in support of, or directly advancing the ZK tools, libraries, community, or protocols.
The project aims to advance ZK technology by developing verifiably deterministic signatures for Ethereum, which improves zero-knowledge tools, and impacts the ZK community by enabling new types of dapps and web3 social applications.
The Grant should be focused on accomplishing the following for ZK: Usability - improving the user experience of zero-knowledge tools/libraries, not zero-knowledge rollups. This could also be technical education and documentation. Tooling - improving the developer experience or making it easier to develop applications utilizing zero-knowledge proofs or technology. Applications - technical implementations of zero-knowledge proofs and circuits, not simply applications built on top of zero-knowledge roll ups.
The project specifically focuses on improving usability by integrating non-interactive signature schemes into wallets, developing educational resources like a paper and presentations, and creating tools and applications such as anonymous voting and message boards that directly utilize zero-knowledge proofs.
The project must have been active in the last 3 months - social media and GitHub.
The user GitHub shows 30 commits in the past 3 months and the project GitHub shows 15 commits, alongside updates on their Twitter account, indicating active development and community engagement.
The project should have demonstrated either concrete progress, or evidence of a substantive technical roadmap that clarifies how ZK technology will be used and advanced.
The project has demonstrated concrete progress with updates on GitHub, the successful development of a Metamask snap, and a V2 proposal, as well as substantial progress on the implementation and documentation front as showcased in their updates.
The Grant deliverables should be open source.
The project's repository on GitHub and the availability of a technical paper, presentations, and slides suggest that the deliverables are open source.
Satisfy the Program General Eligibility Policy in addition to the requirements outlined above.
The general eligibility policy details are not provided, so it is not possible to determine whether the project satisfies all those additional requirements.