水晶串珠療癒工作坊 Crystal Crafting Therapy Workshop

水晶串珠療癒工作坊 Crystal Crafting Therapy Workshop

Introduce a free therapeutic bracelet-making course in Taipei Beitou, involving professional guidance in crafting with crystals for unique personal creations.
Applied on: 14 Dec 2023 04:51 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 06:26 AM
You should have a slack channel in g0v(screenshot) slack
There is no provided information or evidence about the existence of a slack channel specific to this project in the g0v slack workspace.
Slide Deck of your project
The project linked to a Dropbox document which appears to be a slide deck or similar presentation format detailing the Crystal Crafting Therapy Course.
If you are a Fab DAO or dao0 contributor - mention about your contribution in your application and link to your work
The application does not mention any contributions to the Fab DAO or dao0, nor does it link to any work affiliated with these entities.
You are an NGO/NPO mention about the work your org is doing
There is no clear indication that the project is run by an NGO/NPO, nor is there any detailed description of organizational work beyond the scope of the proposed Crystal Crafting Therapy Course project.