Support to Life

Support to Life

Independent agency delivering humanitarian aid for basic rights in disaster-struck areas, with a focus on Turkey and nearby regions, emphasizing impartiality and accountability.
Applied on: 15 Nov 2023 07:27 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 06:28 AM
Project name
The project name 'Support to Life' is listed as one of the four Turkish charities in the eligibility criteria.
Project website
The provided website URL is the official site for 'Support to Life', which is an active and legitimate project website.
Project description
The description matches a charity that provides humanitarian aid, which is suitable for the 'Quadratic Voting Round for Turkish Charities'.
Project Twitter
There was no Twitter handle provided, but this may not disqualify the project as Twitter is not a mandatory platform for a charity's operations.
Project Github
There is no Github link provided, which makes it impossible to assess the recent activity. As this round is about charities, GitHub activity might not be applicable.
User Github
No user Github was given, and it is unclear if this is relevant for a charity's eligibility.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months):
Github activity could not be checked because no specific Project or User Github links were provided; however, for a charity this criterion may not be relevant.