
Launching a Telegram bot that integrates GMX V2, Fluid targets improving cryptocurrency trading efficiency and community engagement for over 700 million users.
Applied on: 29 Nov 2023 02:53 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 19 Feb 2024 02:59 PM
Project is related to the DeFi protocol
Fluid integrates GMX V2 into its Telegram-based trading bot which is inherently a DeFi protocol integration.
Project contributes to Arbitrum ecosystem growth
By integrating GMX on social networks such as Telegram, Fluid is likely to attract more users to the Arbitrum ecosystem, contributing to its growth.
Integration with GMX V2
Fluid's trading bot has integrated GMX V2 to extend its functionalities to Telegram's user base.
Liquidity incentives are implemented
There is no specific information provided regarding whether Fluid supports liquidity incentives on GMX V2 liquidity pools.
Trading incentives are implemented
Although Fluid has integrated GMX V2, it is not clear from the provided information if the trading incentives specific to GMX V2 are also relayed through the Fluid platform.
Number of commits in the past 3 months
According to the provided user Github activity data, there have been 0 commits in the past 3 months on the FluidToken account.
Number of pull requests in the past 3 months
According to the provided user Github activity data, there have been 0 pull requests opened, closed, or merged in the past 3 months on FluidToken's repository.
Number of issues in the past 3 months
Based on user Github activity data, there have been 0 issues opened or closed in the past 3 months on the FluidToken's repository.