Microeconomics App MVP: Empowering local Communities and Impact Creators

Microeconomics App MVP: Empowering local Communities and Impact Creators

Developing a community-focused economic app utilizing web3, blockchain, NFTs, and crypto donations to enhance engagement and support local NGOs on Ko Phangan.
Applied on: 5 Feb 2024 06:20 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 7 Feb 2024 04:25 PM
EcoSynthesisX Spring Round related initiatives
The project 'Microeconomics App MVP: Empowering local Communities and Impact Creators' aligns with EcoSynthesisX Spring Round by focusing on empowering local economies and utilizing blockchain technology for community engagement and supporting public goods, matching the thematic interest of #ReFi #DecSi #community #publicgood as specified for the round.