|| Automated eco-label powered by satellite data || Automated eco-label powered by satellite data

Developing an automated agricultural eco-label using satellite data and blockchain to ensure food identity and promote sustainable practices for better human health.
Applied on: 28 Apr 2024 12:11 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 28 Apr 2024 02:03 AM
Projects should directly support the mission of DeSci to innovate scientific research by exploring novel mechanisms of funding, conducting, and disseminating scientific research in an open, inclusive, and accessible manner.'s project is aimed at revolutionizing the agricultural sector and food safety through a novel integration of satellite data and blockchain to develop an automated eco-labelling system. This approach is innovative and aligns with the mission of DeSci by providing open and accessible scientific research and solutions.
DeSci projects most commonly support this mission by building and testing necessary technological infrastructure, but projects may also be eligible if they are deploying existing DeSci infrastructure in a scientific research context or if they are educating and recruiting members of the scientific community to contribute to the mission.
The project's development of an automated eco-labelling system that utilizes satellite data and blockchain technology can be considered as building and testing necessary technological infrastructure within the DeSci domain. Moreover, with their ongoing research and intent to publish, they are contributing to education within the scientific community.
Concrete examples of issues covered by the DeSci mission include: the data reproducibility crisis and archaic data sharing practices; misaligned incentives and poor practices in scientific publishing and peer review; financial, linguistic, and academic barriers to globally inclusive research; intellectual property, patents, and financial incentives to trade progress for profits; academic disconnect and poor science/health literacy and trust in the lay public and government representatives.
The project addresses data sharing practices by using satellite data transparently and offers a potential solution to misaligned incentives in agriculture, aiming to provide a transparent and verifiable eco-label that could influence sustainable farming practices on a global scale, thus aligning with several aspects of DeSci's mission.
Projects must satisfy the Gitcoin Program General Eligibility Policy in addition to the requirements described above.
There is insufficient information provided here to determine whether the project satisfies the Gitcoin Program General Eligibility Policy. This would typically require additional information about the project's financial integrity, adherence to ethical guidelines, commitment toward the Gitcoin Program's values, and avoidance of any prohibited activities as per Gitcoin's policies.