2nd Impact NFT Collection in Collaboration with EcoThailand Foundation

2nd Impact NFT Collection in Collaboration with EcoThailand Foundation

Launching a 2nd NFT collection to support environmental projects through a planned partnership with EcoThailand Foundation, leveraging education and composting initiatives.
Applied on: 29 Mar 2024 06:24 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 29 Mar 2024 07:02 AM
Project name
The project name is not provided in the assessment prompt which is essential for evaluating eligibility.
Project website
The project website is not provided. A valid website is usually required for verification and further assessment of the project's goals and progress.
Project description
The project description is absent; this information is crucial to understanding the project's objectives and alignment with the EcoSynthesisX Spring Round's goals.
Project Twitter
The project Twitter is not applicable (N/A), implying there is no Twitter account for community engagement and updates.
Project Github
Project Github is not applicable (N/A). A GitHub repository is important for code transparency, collaboration, and evaluation of active development.
User Github
User Github is not applicable (N/A). It is necessary to evaluate the credibility and track record of the project maintainer(s).
A summary of Github activity for the project
Since the Project Github link is N/A, a summary cannot be provided for the Github activity of the project.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months)
Without a valid Github repository link, checking the recent Github activity is not possible.