Blockscout Open-Source Block Explorer

Blockscout Open-Source Block Explorer

Etherscan downtime highlighted the importance of alternative block explorers like Blockscout, emphasizing the need for multiple, open-source tools for ecosystem resilience and transparency.
Applied on: 10 Apr 2024 10:07 PM
User Review
Reviewed on 11 Apr 2024 03:55 PM
Significant reduction of development barriers or enhancement of project efficiency.
Demonstrated support and usage within the developer community.
Blockscout is a tool for searching transactions, verifying and interacting with smart contracts, and connecting with APIs. Helping to reduce the development barriers. With over 600 instances of Blockscout deployed throughout the ecosystem it is clear the usage within the developer community. Several sponsors in GitHub and it has been forked 2.1K times and starred 3.1K times. It also has a Discord community of +6500 members.
AI Review
Reviewed on 10 Apr 2024 11:02 PM
Significant reduction of development barriers or enhancement of project efficiency
Blockscout provides a decentralized and open-source block explorer which is an essential tool for Ethereum and other EVM compatible blockchains. The project supports smart contract verification, API integration, and improves transaction understanding, thereby reducing barriers and increasing efficiency for developers.
Demonstrated support and usage within the developer community
The project illustrates strong support from known figures in the industry such as Jesse Pollak and Martin Köppelmann, and it is used by a substantial number of 600+ chains (as per the project description). With hosted instances indicating around 350K unique visitors last month and 1.2M verified contracts on Ethereum mainnet, there is clear evidence of substantial support and usage within the developer community.