Somer Esat Ethereum Staking Guides (Ubuntu)

Somer Esat Ethereum Staking Guides (Ubuntu)

Series of how-to guides for Ethereum staking on Ubuntu, covering withdrawal setups and various consensus/execution clients, targeting newcomers. Upcoming work includes performance reviews.
Applied on: 8 Nov 2023 08:00 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 04:42 AM
Projects that are in support of, or directly advancing the Ethereum Network’s infrastructure. Primarily focusing on areas such as: - Core client teams (e.g. geth, nethermind, prysm, lighthouse) - Staking infrastructure and tooling - Client diversity - Core developers (can apply as a team, a specific project, or simply as an individual) - Tooling providers (e.g., hardhat / ethers.js) - Security researchers, EIPs, censorship resistance - Sharding, rollups. scaling, etc - Account abstraction, zero knowledge technology, statelessness, future proofing, and more
The Somer Esat Ethereum Staking Guides (Ubuntu) project provides essential documentation and guidance that supports Ethereum staking, enhancing the understanding and implementation of Ethereum's Proof of Stake mechanism.
The project must be open source and in active development
There have been no commits, pull requests, or issues in the project's GitHub repository over the past 3 months, suggesting that the project is not in active development.
The project must be more than 3 months old
Based on the information provided, the project appears to be a series of mainnet and testnet staking guides which has likely been in existence for longer than three months, although the exact start date isn't specified.
To be eligible for this grant round, projects must meet the general program policy and the following specific requirements
While the provided documentation aligns with the spirit of the general program policy in supporting Ethereum's infrastructure through education, the lack of recent development activity raises concerns about its current eligibility. Specific policy details have not been provided, thus an accurate assessment cannot be made without those.