GMX v2 Telegram & Discord Analytics

GMX v2 Telegram & Discord Analytics

A suite of monitoring tools for tracking positions, swaps, and metrics on v2, accessible via telegram bots and integrated into GMX community chats.
Applied on: 28 Nov 2023 09:05 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 19 Feb 2024 02:51 PM
Project must have a record of consistent contributions from the applying team/user
User 'snipermonke01' has demonstrated consistent contributions with 10 commits in the past 3 months.
Project must be openly accessible to the community
The project is accessible through Telegram and integrated into community chats, indicating openness.
Project must not have received funding for the same work from another source
There is insufficient information provided on whether the project has received funding from other sources.
The project should be working on initiatives that contribute directly to the growth and success of the GMX ecosystem
The project's analytics tools support the monitoring and evaluation of GMX V2's activity, directly contributing to the ecosystem's transparency and user engagement.
The project must have a working product
The suite of analytics tools is operational and accessible through Telegram bots.
The project must align with the vision and values of GMX
Providing analytical tools aligns with the vision of transparency and user empowerment in the DeFi space, which is in line with the values of GMX.
The project must not be involved in or support any form of illicit activities
There is no evidence suggesting involvement in illicit activities; the project appears to be a legitimate analytics tool.
Projects applying for Liquidity incentives should have a liquidity pool on GMX V2
This project is an analytics tool and does not have a liquidity pool on GMX V2.
Projects applying for Trading incentives should be a market on GMX V2
This project does not constitute a market; it's an analytics service for the community.