Unchained Elephants

Unchained Elephants

Promoting elephant welfare in Thailand through rescue efforts, educational programs on ethical practices, traveler awareness, and integrating NFTs for funding and engagement.
Applied on: 7 May 2024 07:59 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 7 May 2024 08:01 AM
Buying the Freedom of Mongkol, the Baby Elephant
The project 'Unchained Elephants' has a clear goal of rescuing elephants, specifically mentioning their next mission to rescue Mongkol, the Baby Elephant, and promoting elephant welfare.
Project details are provided and verifiable
Project name, website, description, and Twitter link are present, making it possible to verify the details provided.
A summary of Github activity for the project
Project Github and User Github are listed as 'N/A', indicating no associated Github activity or repositories to summarize.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months)
Since there is no associated Github account or activity mentioned, there are no recent commits to evaluate.
Funding Sources: Public
The application mentions 'Funding Sources: Public G 5: 1' which is unclear and does not provide enough context or specificity to determine whether public funding sources are being utilized or if they match the request for 5 ETH from Public Nouns.