Avalanche <> The Graph India

Avalanche <> The Graph India

Launch and promote AmbassadorDAO within the developer community, showcase the Avalanche ecosystem, and support Avalanche Ambassadors through events, including 22 in India with special guest Devika Mittal from Avalabs.
Applied on: 28 Mar 2024 03:42 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 7 Apr 2024 06:19 PM
Projects and grantees must contribute to the Avalanche Ecosystem in some demonstrable way. The grant must aim to support or directly advance the Avalanche ecosystem. This includes areas like: ** Public Goods Software ** Analytics ** Education ** On-Chain Infrastructure and Protocols ** Gaming ** NFT / Arts & Culture ** Consumer Applications
The project 'Avalanche <> The Graph India' organizes events to promote the Avalanche ecosystem and educate developers, which matches the education criterion and supports the ecosystem.
History of contributing to the Avalanche Ecosystem: While this is not a hard requirement, previous contributions by applicants to the Avalanche ecosystem will be considered for admission into grant rounds.
The application details events conducted to promote the Avalanche ecosystem but does not provide concrete evidence of previous contributions beyond the events, so this determination cannot be made with certainty without further review of their historical activities.
The project needs to be at least three months old: this includes having a social presence for that period, public repositories, or verified contracts deployed.
The project started in June 2023 and has conducted 22 events by the time of the application, which demonstrates a social presence and activities over a period of more than three months.