DeSci Asia
DeSci AsiaApplication
Applied on: 1 Jan 2025 01:59 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 1 Jan 2025 02:00 PM
Coral Reef Restoration Projects: Focusing on initiatives in low-income, lower-middle, and upper-middle-income countries (OECD).
The project focuses on coral reef restoration in lower and upper-middle-income regions across Asia such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Taiwan.
Eligible Entities: Academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, independent researchers, and collectives.
DeSci Asia is a collaborative community engaging with academics, nonprofit organizations, and researchers, which fits the criteria.
Team Requirements: At least two people are required to undertake the project.
The project has five core contributors listed with their social media profiles.
Personal or Entity Social Media Links: (e.g., LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Twitter/X of each member).
Social media profiles for the team members are provided.
The email address provided is
Wallet Address
Multiple wallet addresses on various chains (ETH, OP, Arb) are provided.
A brief description of your project, including team expertise (300 words max).
The project description includes how Web3 technology will be leveraged for coral reef restoration and lists the team expertise with links to their profiles.
Provide a brief description of how the funds will be used (250 words max).
The description includes how funds will support existing Mesoreef organizations and activities.
Follow AuraSci, and MesoReefDAO x accounts: (Optional)
It is not clear from the information provided whether the project follows the mentioned X accounts.