Tonspack wallet

Tonspack wallet

A Telegram-based multichain wallet allowing users to easily connect, sign, and transact in various major chains using a decentralized MPC model.
Applied on: 10 Aug 2024 06:35 PM
Round: Asia Round
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 10 Aug 2024 07:01 PM
The Grant must be in support of or directly advance the Asian public goods ecosystem; or at least one founder identifies him/herself as Asian. We will refer to the [public goods report]( released by GCC last December for the definition of public goods.
The project has at least one founder, wikig, who identifies as Asian. Additionally, the project's focus on providing a multi-chain wallet solution may support the digital public goods ecosystem in Asia.
The project must clearly articulate the problem it addresses, the solution, the implementation plan, the financial plan, and demonstrate there is an excellent team or community for execution
While the project description outlines the problem and solution, specific details on a financial plan and a detailed implementation plan are not clearly articulated. The team members' identities and roles are mentioned but more detailed qualifications and community backing is needed for clarity.
Project must be 3 months old and the project must demonstrate some tangible progress towards their stated goals, with a working MVP is available to the public. We will use Twitter, official website, github, and other public info to determine this. Newer projects should establish themselves and submit to the next round.
The project's GitHub activity shows tangible progress with multiple commits and a working MVP is available for public use via a Telegram bot. The project has maintained a presence on both Twitter and their official website.
Grantees can be eliminated from consideration in the round if they are found to be encouraging or enabling Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious manipulation of the grants platform or the Gitcoin community.
There is no concrete evidence from the provided details that the project encourages or enables Sybil attacks or other forms of malicious actions. However, due diligence would require a deeper investigation into their practices.
Projects must comply with Gitcoin core rules and [eligibility criteria](
The project meets the Gitcoin core rules and eligibility criteria as there are no obvious violations from the provided information.