

Developing on-chain firewalls as added security for DeFi protocols to detect abnormal activities and prevent hacks by monitoring, blocking transactions, and controlling withdrawals in real-time.
Applied on: 8 Nov 2023 04:25 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 01:12 PM
Web3 Open Source Software Round Eligibility
The project 'TurtleShell' seems to fit within the overarching theme of Web3 Open Source Software round, as it is aimed at developing on-chain security solutions for the Ethereum ecosystem.
To be eligible for this grant round, projects must meet the general program policy and the following specific requirements:
The provided statement is overarching and refers to both general and specific requirements not fully detailed here. The score would depend on the general program policy not explicitly provided in this context.
Open Source: The project must be open-source.
The project 'TurtleShell' indicates a GitHub repository, which usually suggests the project is open-source; however, the exact open-source license needs to be verified for full confirmation.
Recent Activity: There must be meaningful GitHub activity within the past 3 months, demonstrating ongoing work aligned with the project's mission.
The GitHub activity for the User 'valeriofichera' shows 30 commits in the past 3 months, suggesting ongoing development related to the project.
Web3 Focus: The project should primarily aim to develop or advance the broader Ethereum and/or Web3 ecosystem
The project description of 'TurtleShell' clearly indicates that its purpose is to protect smart contracts and assets within the Ethereum ecosystem, which aligns with Web3 development and advancement.