Fractal Visions

Fractal Visions

Building a curated web3 creator hub for meaningful gaming projects on Arbitrum, using a market fee to fund rewards and aiming to onboard and educate creators with hackathons and community integration.
Applied on: 9 Sep 2023 05:10 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 07:01 AM
The project must be primarily focused on gaming and build on Arbitrum. Projects should propose innovative gaming solutions that leverage the scalability and efficiency of Arbitrum.
While 'Fractal Visions' does support gaming projects and intends to onboard games to the Arbitrum network, the primary focus of the project as presented seems to be a creator hub for highlighting projects. The project description lacks details on any specific gaming initiatives or development of its own games leveraging Arbitrum's features.
Demonstrable progress towards creating a functional gaming product or platform is required. The project must have a well-defined gameplay concept and mechanics.
The project description primarily outlines a marketplace and platform catering to creators, with a focus on education and highlighting other projects within the web3 space. It does not provide evidence of developing its own gaming product with well-defined gameplay mechanics and concept.
Integration of decentralized technologies like NFTs and blockchain-based rewards would be amazing
The project mentions the use of NFTs and a retroactive rewards mechanism for creators and developers participating in their ecosystem, indicating an integration of decentralized technology.
Join our telegram group for chat about the round with the fellow grant creators:
There is no information provided that confirms whether the team behind 'Fractal Visions' has joined the specified Telegram group for grant creators.