Play2Learn develops physical blockchain-themed tabletop games to educate people about crypto, with plans to digitize them and offer them for free, especially to children and schools.
Applied on: 18 Sep 2023 03:00 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 07:03 AM
The project must be primarily focused on gaming and build on Arbitrum. Projects should propose innovative gaming solutions that leverage the scalability and efficiency of Arbitrum.
The project description indicates that PLAY2LEARN is currently focused on physical tabletop games to educate on blockchain and cryptocurrency. However, it suggests a future direction towards digitizing these games, but it does not provide specific details on whether they are building on Arbitrum or leveraging its scalability and efficiency, therefore not meeting the current requirement.
Demonstrable progress towards creating a functional gaming product or platform is required. The project must have a well-defined gameplay concept and mechanics.
PLAY2LEARN appears to have a concept for educational tabletop games, but there's no evidence of a digital product or platform when it comes to creating a functional gaming product or platform in the digital domain; hence demonstrable progress towards a digital solution is lacking.
Integration of decentralized technologies like NFTs and blockchain-based rewards would be amazing
Although the project aims to educate about blockchain, it is not clear from the description whether PLAY2LEARN has already integrated or plans to integrate decentralized technologies such as NFTs and blockchain-based rewards into its gaming products.
Join our telegram group for chat about the round with the fellow grant creators:
There is no available information in the provided documentation on whether the project team has joined the specified Telegram group for grant creators.