Hoppe, Cummings and Ankunding

Hoppe, Cummings and Ankunding

Hoppe, Cummings and Ankunding
Applied on: 25 Mar 2024 01:13 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 26 Mar 2024 12:07 AM
Project name
The project name is not provided in the description.
Project website
The project website is not provided in the description.
Project description
The project description is not provided, making it unclear what the project is about.
Project Twitter
The project does not have a Twitter account, or it is not provided.
Project Github
The project does not have a GitHub repository linked, or it is not provided.
User Github
The GitHub account of the user proposing the project is not provided.
Github recent activity (only view recent activity if there's more than 5 commits in the past 3 months)
There is no accessible GitHub repository to evaluate the recent activity.