GMX TradingView Alert Connector

GMX TradingView Alert Connector

Developing a free, self-hosted tool to automate trades on GMX, dYdX, and Perpetual Protocol via TradingView alerts. Open-source with easy setup.
Applied on: 17 Dec 2023 01:49 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 19 Feb 2024 02:55 PM
Project is open-source and available on GitHub or another open-source platform.
The project's GitHub link is provided, indicating it is open-source and available on GitHub.
Project is currently supporting the GMX ecosystem, or has a clear plan to do so.
The project has plans to support GMX, as stated in the project description.
Project GitHub has had recent activity ( > 5 commits in the past 3 months).
The project GitHub does not show recent activity (no commits in the past 3 months), but the user GitHub does. It's unclear if the user's activity relates to this project.
Project has a robust set of features and functionality that will benefit users.
Evaluation of features and functionality would require subjective judgment and deeper analysis, which cannot be performed by the AI.
Project has a clear and useful documentation and/or demonstration of use.
A GitBook documentation link is provided which implies clear documentation is available.
Project has an active social media presence and community engagement.
Project Twitter link is provided, suggesting some level of social media presence and potential community engagement.
Project is not a direct fork of an existing project, unless the fork has significant changes.
Without comparing the code, it is not possible to state definitively whether this project is a direct fork with significant changes.
Project has demonstrable evidence of past performance or proof of concept.
The project provides a GitBook and GitHub link, which indicates there is some proof of concept or past performance documentation available.
Project and team adhere to best practices in coding, security, UI/UX, and open-source software development.
Adherence to best practices would require subjective assessment and deeper investigation, which cannot be performed by the AI.
Project contributes to the growth of the GMX and Arbitrum ecosystems.
By integrating TradingView strategy alerts to execute automated trades on GMX, the project could facilitate growth in trading volume and liquidity within the GMX and Arbitrum ecosystems.